Sic Semper Tyrannis

The crowds swell by the day

Growing exponentially
with the volume of your rants
against the out of touch
powers that be
(though you are part of the elite tribe)

Your scripted indignation
has truly poked a nerve
of the desperately frustrated masses
who have anointed you the chosen one
to lead them to the promised land

The sheep can not see
the depths of your hypocrisy
and the danger you pose
to our fragile democracy

As they ravenously devour
your “us against them” theme

That reliable homily
of demagogues throughout history
is nothing more than a front

A means to an end
to scapegoat others
til the hidden agendas
become unleashed
against civil liberties

as the past becomes
the nightmare reality
of tomorrow

trump hitler

About @stgreenie

I am my own best friend because I do so enjoy my company

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Aforementioned words

i am a philosopher of eternal thought

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