Motion Desensors

Did you know
our Earth spins
at 1,040 miles per hour?
(or 1,675 kilometers
if you be metrically inclined)

I googled this fact of course
since there be
no need to memorize
trivial shit like this
since Jedi Al Gore
invented the internet

So we’re all high speed spinners
gravitationally hanging on
for dear life on a blue ball
we never get to view
(except in pictures)
since from birth to death
we’re too close within the scene
inside this forest
to ever see the trees

Though we never feel
our rapid rotational existence
beneath our grounded feet
(thanks gravity)
we do know it to be so
cause the search engine says so
and it’s always
sunrise somewhere
(and a contrary sunset too)
on the flip side
of the spinning planet

That spin thing again!!!

The paradox never ends

The illusion visual deception
that the sun on which we so rely
is crawling across our sky
when in fact it be us
who are constantly
in motion
at 1,040 mph
for you see
you and me
are perpetually
flying objects
in the dark expanse of space

globe spinning

About @stgreenie

I am my own best friend because I do so enjoy my company

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Aforementioned words

i am a philosopher of eternal thought

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