Wanna Hosanna ?

Life after death..

But just for us humans..

God’s divine beasts are we..

It says so in various texts
scribed long ago from antiquity..

The original version of media control..

Cause tis written
only this species
which kills quite incessantly
can self sooth our greatest fear
that there exists for us more than this
after our poorly designed vessels
crash upon the jagged rocks of mortality..

That we, the chosen breed
have a greater purpose
and that this mundane existence has meaning
with a higher power pulling the strings..

Now I don’t wanna piss down on your faith
or denigrate anyone’s sacred beliefs..

Whatever gets you through this life
is fine by me..

In fact I’m more than OK
if you wanna pray
for my misguided immortal soul
which I don’t believe in anyway..

At least for today..

Because I am not ashamed to confess
that the closer I get to death
as old age tightens it’s grip
with frightening finality
the temptation to hedge my bets
against my logic based atheistic play
is far greater than it was yesterday
when I rode with youthful arrogance..

Maybe it’s time I join the congregation
of scared sheep secure in warm hypocrisies
though deep down we all gotta suspect
that if this all knowing God we pray to
does indeed really exist
the Supreme Being we collectively worship
has to realize by now his creations are full of shit

About @stgreenie

I am my own best friend because I do so enjoy my company

5 responses to “Wanna Hosanna ?”

  1. Judi says :

    Yes, religion is the way of the sheep.

    But personally I do believe in reincarnation. How else would we learn and evolve? I think that’s the plan.

    Liked by 1 person

    • @stgreenie says :

      Nature is the original recycle force so it’s only natural our souls get recycled also


      • judiggs says :

        so you’re saying that ‘recycled’ is the same as reincarnation? Perhaps, but it doesn’t show an evolutionary component/progress.

        Liked by 1 person

      • @stgreenie says :

        I am not a biologist, but I believe sometimes when thing evolve they occasionally mutate into something better than the original.. Sort of like how apes evolved into a superior species..ummm.. OK so maybe that’s a bad example, but it can evolve better in theory


  2. judiggs says :

    I don’t want to keep you tied to this conversation (knowing how much you hate that 🙂 Anyway I understand and accept your premise. I believe we’re basically on the same page.


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