Cursed be the Appeasers

Oh great…

The beast we admire secretly
for his hard core tenacity
is doing beastly things again..

While the global uproar
is entirely predictable
we’ll stick to our hardened principles
that stoke the flames of anarchy..

If we keep appeasing the bully
maybe he’ll go away eventually..

He’s not such a bad guy actually..

Putin is an ultra strong authoritarian
who projects strength just like us
with the fervor of a mega nationalist..

Sure sometimes Vlad gets a tad crazy
but he’s not after us currently
so let’s ignore future reality
and hide behind denials
that have been toxic throughout history

He’s still preferable
to Biden and his band of socialists
who mock our many grievances
and treat us patriots like terrorists

We are gonna hang our MAGA hats
on the antiquated cliche of a concept
that the enemy of our enemy is our comrade..

Anything to own the Libs

About @stgreenie

I am my own best friend because I do so enjoy my company

One response to “Cursed be the Appeasers”

  1. vondanorwood says :

    MAGAs are very wrong, and some are bad.


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