Fish Tales

Gasping for sustenance
the fish out of water
flops about desperately..

Soon to be suffering
from a severe case
of life deprivation
viewed on voyeur flat screens
in a shared experience globally..

His public tribulations
generates mass speculation
and much social media commentary
from self anointed experts
in the field of everything
with their drop dead analysis..

Self serving predictions..

As the subject flips it’s last flop
the peanut gallery contingent
hurriedly checks posts past
for self gratification
of accuracy verification
as they take a victory lap
on the carcass of the recently deceased..

Don’t let life’s tragedies make you cry..

They’ll be other fish to fry
and other unfortunates
soon to be gone
to collectively crush
as the show grinds on


About @stgreenie

I am my own best friend because I do so enjoy my company

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